Patricia Awyan Lehman:

Khemitologist,  Symbologist, Speaker,  Researcher, Explorer, Writer, Artist, and Spiritual & Life Counselor

About Patricia

Allan Peoples, Language Specialist, Explorer and Researcher & Horus Rising Productions YouTube Co-Host

Allan has accompanied Patricia on many research expeditions and tours and shares in her quest to uncover and share the hidden truths throughout Egypt and the world.

Suzan Moore: 

 As our resident Geologist, Suzan has a fresh and unique perspective on the labeling, consistency, and potentials, of the mixture and selection of rocks and materials used to create the many ancient and megalithic structures found in Egypt and around the world.

Suzan Moore

Ildi Budai,  Administrative Assistant, Marketing Manager, Photographer

and Intrepid Explorer

Ildi Budai


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